March 2025
8am Sunday Mass
10:30am Sunday Mass
8am 8:00 am Mass
10am Chance - IT Zoom meeting
11:30am Bob Evans Kummer
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9:30am Notre Dame Federal Credit Union
9:45am Staff Meeting
5:10pm Rosary
5:30pm Weekday Mass
6pm RCIA starts
7pm Parish Council Meeting
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6am Men's Group
8am Weekday Mass
5pm Stew Oberley Gym
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10am Food Bank
5:10pm Rosary
5:30pm Weekday Mass
6pm Confessions
6pm Adoration until 9 pm. Praise from 8 to 9 pm
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8am Mass
11:25am 8th grade religion
1pm Ester Niespiajani
1:45pm 6th and 7th grade religion
4:30pm Life Adventures Board
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8am Mass
8am Confirmation retreat
8:30am 12pm Adoration on first
11am 11:50 am confession
1:30pm Jerry’s birthday at Rich’s
4:30pm Vigil Mass
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8am Sunday Mass
10:30am Sunday Mass
1pm The boys
6pm 2nd of the Month Rosary
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8am 8:00 am Mass
10am Mariana Parents coming sign Affidavit
6pm Stew Oberley gym
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9:45am Staff Meeting
11am Call with comcast
5:10pm Rosary
5:30pm Weekday Mass
6pm RCIA starts
6pm Mardi Gras
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6am Men's Group
8am Weekday Mass
1:30pm Seth lunch
6pm Stew Oberley Gym
7:15pm Choir Rehearsal
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10am Food Bank
10am Linen meeting
5:10pm Rosary
5:30pm Weekday Mass
6pm Confessions
6pm Adoration until 9 pm. Praise from 8 to 9 pm
7pm Knights of Columbus
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8am Mass
10:30am Majestic Care Winchester Rd
11:25am 8th grade religion
1:45pm 6th and 7th grade religion
3pm Tom Kinder
4pm K's in the Corner
5:30pm First Friday Mass
6pm Potluck Dinner
7pm Stations of the Cross
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5am St. Francis Spring Break
7:30am Blood Drive
10am Receiving Yin and 1st Communion for Eduardo Guzman
4:30pm Vigil Mass
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2:00pm Rite of Election -Cathedral
5am St. Francis Spring Break
8am Sunday Mass
9am Donuts with the Knights
10:30am Sunday Mass
2pm Rite of election
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5am St. Francis Spring Break
8am 8:00 am Mass
11am Comcast
4pm Fellowship meeting
5:30pm Building and Grounds
6pm Stew Oberley gym
7pm St. Dymphna Meeting
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Light is on For you
5am St. Francis Spring Break
8:45am adoration school
9:45am Staff Meeting
5:10pm Rosary
5:30pm Weekday Mass
6pm RCIA starts
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5am St. Francis Spring Break
6am Men's Group
8am Weekday Mass
6pm Stew Oberley Gym
6:30pm Donna’s
7:15pm Choir Rehearsal
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5am St. Francis Spring Break
9am Censor installed
10am Food Bank
5:10pm Rosary
5:30pm Weekday Mass
5:30pm Fatima Mass/reception in gym to follow
6pm Confessions
6pm Adoration until 9 pm. Praise from 8 to 9 pm
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Knights of Columbus Fish Fry
5am St. Francis Spring Break
8am Mass
11am Comcast installation
11:25am 8th grade religion
1:45pm 6th and 7th grade religion
2:30pm School Stations of the cross
4:30pm Confirmation Practice
7pm Stations of the Cross
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10am Confirmation Mass
4:30pm Vigil Mass
8am Sunday Mass
10:30am Sunday Mass
11:30am Baptism Francis William Donaldson
1pm Ashley Donaldson using the gym
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8am 8:00 am Mass
11am Rolando Aguilera
1pm phone call with Father Steve
6pm Stew Oberley gym
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8:45am adoration school
9am NDFCU credit cards
9:45am Staff Meeting
5:10pm Rosary
5:30pm Weekday Mass
6pm RCIA starts
7pm School Board Meeting
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6am Men's Group
8am Weekday Mass
6pm SVdP Meeting
6pm Stew Oberley Gym
7:15pm Choir Rehearsal
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10am Food Bank
5:10pm Rosary
5:30pm Weekday Mass
6pm Confessions
6pm Adoration until 9 pm. Praise from 8 to 9 pm
6:30pm HASA meeting school art room
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7am Finance Meeting
8am Mass
10am comcast
11:25am 8th grade religion
1:45pm 6th and 7th grade religion
2:30pm School Stations of the cross
4pm Roanoke
7pm Stations of the Cross
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12pm Stacey Laughlin gym
4:30pm Vigil Mass
8am Sunday Mass
10:30am Sunday Mass
8am 8:00 am Mass
6pm Stew Oberley gym
8:45am adoration school
9:45am Staff Meeting
5:10pm Rosary
5:30pm Weekday Mass
6pm Holy Spirits Night - Questions and Answers
6pm RCIA starts
7pm Parish Council Meeting
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6am Men's Group
8am Weekday Mass
6pm Stew Oberley Gym
7:15pm Choir Rehearsal
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10am Food Bank
5:10pm Rosary
5:30pm Weekday Mass
6pm Confessions
6pm Adoration until 9 pm. Praise from 8 to 9 pm
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Amy Vacation-one week
8am Mass
11:25am 8th grade religion
1:45pm 6th and 7th grade religion
2:30pm School Stations of the cross
7pm Stations of the Cross
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9am Creighton Model class gym
4:30pm Vigil Mass
8am Sunday Mass
10:30am Sunday Mass
8am 8:00 am Mass
4:30pm Life Adventures Board
6pm Stew Oberley gym
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8:45am adoration school
9:45am Staff Meeting
5:10pm Rosary
5:30pm Weekday Mass
6pm RCIA starts
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6am Men's Group
8am Weekday Mass
4pm Homeschool in gym
6pm 2nd of the Month Rosary
7:15pm Choir Rehearsal
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10am Food Bank
5:10pm Rosary
5:30pm Weekday Mass
6pm Confessions
6pm Adoration until 9 pm. Praise from 8 to 9 pm
7pm Knights of Columbus
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Amy Vacation -back in the evening
8am Mass
10:30am Majestic Care Winchester Rd
11:25am 8th grade religion
1:45pm 6th and 7th grade religion
2:30pm School Stations of the cross
5:30pm First Friday Mass
6pm Potluck Dinner
7pm Stations of the Cross
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8am Lector Extraordinary Minster Training, morning of reflection
8am Mass
8:30am 12pm Adoration on first
11am 11:50 am confession
12pm Service David Greene
12:30pm Funeral dinner
4:30pm Vigil Mass
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